The brook has babbled and now an Old Mutt wants to drink from it. So I have agreed to share this blog with him when he is not solving murder mysteries and hanging out with Tink, Pam and Jayson

Friday, February 8, 2008

Why do you write?

I am enthusiastic and loquacious to the point of annoyance, at times. I love to imagine what if and meet the people I create while following that lead. But maybe, it is the God syndrome of Physicianhood. It's my world, therefore everything goes just as I say it should go. Now that does not mean I am not surprised by some of the things my characters do; it just means if I don't like it, if it doesn't fit in the story, they don't do it. When I write a story or a novel, I meet new people every time. I don't always like them, but they interest me. I become young and naive again or old and wizen with wisdom.

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